vendredi 23 novembre 2012

Meet the kitty

It's time for a new blog post! It's also time for you to meet my adorable kitty cat, Gribouille. He's almost 14 years old but I call him kitty cause he's so damn cute. I have so many pictures of him all over the place and wanted to organize these a little bit. (purring)

(purring) Likes: chicken, fish, toothpaste-for-cats, feet, old shoes, boxes, books and magazines (to sit on), feathers, barbie dolls, cat food, stinking stuff in general, suitcases, scaring girls at slumber parties, destroying gift wrap, girls, greenery (including bonsai, herbs, weed lol)

(no purring) Hates: water, boyfriends, birds, mouses, other cats, going out, noise, regular parties, vegetables, saucepans, guys, being home-alone, vacuums, boyfriends


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mardi 13 novembre 2012

My week on Pinterest

Here are some cool ideas I found on Pinterest last week. I did not have the chance to try the tutorials yet but will asap. I love all of these; the visuals and the ideas. Just makes me feel good and happy :-)

(let me know if you know where I can get the bag)

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