Hey there,
Here I am with a new post about style. Don’t freak out, it’s not going to be about another new trend (there are already so many different out there) or how to give you a headache in less than five minutes. No, this article is about fashion as a packaging. The title is pretty self explanatory, right?!
Here are the reasons why style is important. One: the way you dress (and behave) tells a lot about who you are. Indeed, clothes, jewelry and accessories help you express yourself and reveal to the world who’s the person hiding in that terrific body. Two: once you found “your own style” it gives you guidelines on how to dress, behave, talk, walk, etc. Three: when you wear the clothes you like, you are more confident and proud of yourself, which magically attracts other people (G&G: girls and guys).
Today I feel like sharing my own secret about style with you.
Rule number 1
Choose a role model, friend or celebrity, who inspires you and has a great sense of style and attitude, in your opinion. It’s important that you’re convinced about that person. Don’t choose someone just because the person is, let’s say, “cool". When you have your role model, just copy her/his style.
Rule number 2
Wear jewelry all the time. It can be in your hair, around your neck, wherever. Be sure to choose something that you’re comfortable with.
Rule number 3
Superimpose in order to give volume to your outfit. This can be done by wearing a vest. A jacket. Two tops. A belt. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.
Rule number 4
Wear the shoes (anything) you like otherwise you’ll feel frustrated. I’m tall and I’m always thinking twice before wearing high heels and end up not wearing my favorite shoes at all. Just because I’m conscious about what people say. Since I’m in the United States, I don’t care anymore about what people think. I wear my heels and feel good about it.
Rule number 5
Elect your favorite piece. I just bought some cowgirl boots (dah, I’m in Kansas now!!!) and they are already consecrated as “THE Boots”. They fit with everything and are exactly what I was looking for.
This week is Thanksgiving Recess, a good opportunity to dress up a little bit and try out some new things (sounds like New Year resolutions). So, let’s go! Happy Thanksgiving everybody J